SAIL Recruitment 2023 for Dresser cum Compounders: Apply Fast, Check Application Procedure
SAIL Recruitment 2023: Steel Authority of India Limited, famously known by its short name SAIL, is demanding applications from eligible aspirants for the post of Dresser cum Compounders. As per the available specifications for SAIL Recruitment 2023 via its official notification, both male and female applicants are eligible to appear for the available job role. The hired aspirants will be put on training for a period of 18 months. The employed aspirants will be paid a monthly compensation of Rs.15,020 (Rs.8000 as a stipend and Rs.7020 as allowances). SAIL has issued 02 vacant seats for this job post. The selected aspirants will be required to render their duty at the OHS Center, Chandrapur Ferro Alloy Plant. SAIL has released two (02) vacant seats for this job post.
In accordance with the official advertisement for SAIL Recruitment 2023, the upper age bar applicable for this job role is 30 years for General applicants as of 1st March 2023. The upper age bar for SC/ST aspirants is 35 years while it is 33 years for OBC aspirants. SAIL will hire the best applicants for this job role based on an interview. Applicants will have to attend the interview at the OHS Center of Chandrapur Ferro Alloy Plant. The interview will be held on 13th September 2023. Aspirants who possess the required eligibility and are eager to join SAIL must fill out the application form (available on the official website). Applicants will have to register themselves and appear for Document Verification to take part in the interview process. The reporting time for Document Verification is between 09 AM and 11 AM on the interview day. Aspirants will have to bring relevant required documents of eligibility proof (in original and self-attested photocopies) to the interview venue (mentioned above) on the interview date of 13th September 2023. Applicants will not be allowed to appear for the interview without the verification of documents.
Based on the official advertisement for SAIL Recruitment 2023, Steel Authority of India Limited, famously known by its short name SAIL, is demanding applications from eligible aspirants for the post of Dresser cum Compounders. SAIL has released two (02) vacant seats for this job post.
As per the available specifications for SAIL Recruitment 2023 via its official notification, applicants willing to apply must satisfy the below-mentioned eligibility requirements:
In accordance with the official advertisement for SAIL Recruitment 2023, the upper age bar applicable for this job role is 30 years for General applicants as of 1st March 2023. The upper age bar for SC/ST aspirants is 35 years while it is 33 years for OBC aspirants.
The official notification for SAIL Recruitment 2023 states that the employed aspirants will be paid a monthly compensation of Rs.15,020 (Rs.8000 as a stipend and Rs.7020 as allowances).
According to SAIL Recruitment 2023 official advertisement, the hired aspirants will be put on training for a period of 18 months.
As mentioned in the official advertisement for SAIL Recruitment 2023, the selected aspirants will be required to render their duty at the OHS Center, Chandrapur Ferro Alloy Plant.
Based on SAIL Recruitment 2023 official advertisement details, SAIL will hire the best applicants for this job role based on an interview. Applicants will have to attend the interview at the OHS Center of Chandrapur Ferro Alloy Plant. The interview will be held on 13th September 2023.
As given in the official advertisement for SAIL Recruitment 2023, aspirants who possess the required eligibility and are eager to join SAIL must fill out the application form (available on the official website). Applicants will have to register themselves and appear for Document Verification to take part in the interview process. The reporting time for Document Verification is between 09 AM and 11 AM on the interview day. Aspirants will have to bring relevant required documents of eligibility proof (in original and self-attested photocopies) to the interview venue (mentioned above) on the interview date of 13th September 2023. Applicants will not be allowed to appear for the interview without the verification of documents.