Powergrid Recruitment 2023 for Apprenticeship: 1000+ Vacancies Available, Apply Fast, Know Application Process

  • Designation: Apprenticeship
  • Salary: 13500-17500 - Month
  • Last Date: Monday July 31, 2023
POWERGRID Recruitment 2024: Know the Job Title, Openings, Selection Procedure and Other Details

Powergrid Recruitment 2023 for Apprenticeship: 1000+ Vacancies Available, Apply Fast, Know Application Process

Powergrid Recruitment 2023: The Powergrid Corporation (a Maharatna Company under the Ministry of Power) is accepting applications for a huge number of vacancies for Apprentices for Apprenticeship training in its various regions/establishments as per the Apprentice Act of 1961. As mentioned in the official advertisement for Powergrid Recruitment 2023, the vacancies are available for various trades, and applicants possessing an ITI, Diploma, Graduate, or Post Graduate degree in the relevant subjects/trades are eligible to apply for various trades. Powergrid has notified a total of 1045 vacancies in 12 of its regions across the country. The applicants selected will be trained for a period of 01 years.

According to the official advertisement details available for Powergrid Recruitment 2023, the hired ITI apprentices will be paid Rs 13,500 per month, while the Diploma apprentices will be paid Rs 15,000 per month as a stipend and the Graduate (and above qualification holding) apprentices will be paid Rs 17,500 per month as a stipend. Applicants who possess the desired educational qualification as required for the respective trades must have passed (date of result of final examination) the qualification exam within two years from the closing date of application (31st July 2023). Applicants whose final result is not yet declared are ineligible. The minimum age requirement to appear for the recruitment process is 18 years.

In accordance with the official advertisement for Powergrid Recruitment 2023, the proportion of marks earned in the required qualification relevant to the specific trade will be used to select suitable applicants. Applicants who want to receive world-class skills and the opportunity to work at Powergrid Corporation must visit the official website to apply online. Applicants will have to first register themselves on the NAPS/NATS Apprenticeship portal. The online application initiation and registration process is active on the Powergrid’s official website since 01st July 2023. The deadline for the final submission of the online application is 31st July 2023.

Table of Content
  1. Post Details and Available Vacancies for Powergrid Recruitment 2023
  2. Age Requirement for Powergrid Recruitment 2023
  3. Necessary Qualification for Powergrid Recruitment 2023
  4. Eligibility Parameters for Powergrid Recruitment 2023
  5. Monthly Stipend for Powergrid Recruitment 2023
  6. Training Duration for Powergrid Recruitment 2023
  7. Selection Methodology for Powergrid Recruitment 2023
  8. Application Process for Powergrid Recruitment 2023

Post Details and Available Vacancies for Powergrid Recruitment 2023

According to the official advertisement available for Powergrid Recruitment 2023, the Powergrid Corporation (a Maharatna Company under the Ministry of Power) is accepting applications for a huge number of vacancies for Apprentices for Apprenticeship training in its various regions/establishments as per the Apprentice Act of 1961. Powergrid has notified a total of 1045 vacancies in 12 of its regions across the country. The vacancies are available in various trades.  The break-down of the available vacancies across various regions/establishments is given below:

S.No. Region Vacancies
1 Corporate Center, Gurugram 53
2 Northern Region-I, Faridabad 135
3 Northern Region-II, Jammu 79
4 Northern Region-III, Lucknow 93
5 Eastern Region-I, Patna 70
6 Eastern Region-II, Kolkata 67
7 North East Region, Shillong 115
8 Odisha Projects, Bhubaneswar 47
9 Western Region-I, Nagpur 105
10 Western Region-II, Vadodara 106
11 Southern Region-I, Hyderabad 70
12 Southern Region-II, Bangalore 105
Total 1045

Applicants are advised to go through the official advertisement of various establishments/regions (link given below) to check the detailed vacancies for various trades in various regions.

Age Requirement for Powergrid Recruitment 2023

As stated in the official advertisement for Powergrid Recruitment 2023, the minimum age requirement to appear for the recruitment process is 18 years.

Necessary Qualification for Powergrid Recruitment 2023

The official notification for Powergrid Recruitment 2023 states that the required qualifications depend on the trade for which the applicants want to apply. Applicants willing to apply for ITI Apprenticeship must have obtained an ITI in the relevant trade, while aspirants eyeing Diploma apprenticeship trades must have acquired a Diploma in the concerned trade. For Graduate apprenticeship, applicants should possess a graduate degree in the concerned subject. Other apprenticeship posts like HR Executive, CSR Executive, Executive Law, etc. demand that aspirants must have a graduation or above degree (like MBA) in the relevant specialization/subject.

Applicants are advised to go through the official advertisement of various establishments/regions (link given below) to check the detailed educational requirement for various trades in various regions.

Eligibility Parameters for Powergrid Recruitment 2023

According to the official advertisement details of Powergrid Recruitment 2023, applicants who want to appear in this mega recruitment process of Apprenticeship must satisfy the following eligibility requirement:

  • Applicants who possess the desired educational qualification as required for the respective trades must have passed (date of result of final examination) the qualification exam within two years from the closing date of application (31st July 2023)
  • Applicants must not have done or doing apprenticeship training in any other organization
  • Applicants with more than 01 years of work experience are not eligible
  • Applicants whose final result (of qualifying degree) is not yet declared are ineligible

Monthly Stipend for Powergrid Recruitment 2023

Based on the details available for Powergrid Recruitment 2023 through its official notification, the hired ITI apprentices will be paid Rs 13,500 per month, while the Diploma apprentices will be paid Rs 15,000 per month as a stipend and the Graduate (and above qualification holding) apprentices will be paid Rs 17,500 per month as a stipend.

Training Duration for Powergrid Recruitment 2023

As mentioned in Powergrid Recruitment 2023 official advertisement, the applicants selected will be trained for a period of 01 years.

Selection Methodology for Powergrid Recruitment 2023

According to Powergrid Recruitment 2023 official advertisement, the proportion of marks earned in the required qualification relevant to the specific trade will be used to select suitable applicants.

Application Process for Powergrid Recruitment 2023

As per the specifications of the official advertisement for Powergrid Recruitment 2023, applicants who want to receive world-class skills and the opportunity to work at Powergrid Corporation must visit the official website to apply online. Applicants will have to first register themselves on the NAPS/NATS Apprenticeship portal. The online application initiation and registration process is active on the Powergrid's official website since 01st July 2023. The deadline for the final submission of the online application is 31st July 2023.