MMRCL Recruitment 2023 for Various Manager and Supervisor Posts: Maximum Salary up to Rs 240000, Know the Process to Apply

  • Designation: various Manager and Supervisor Posts
  • Salary: 40320-240000 - Month
  • Last Date: Friday July 21, 2023
MMRCL Recruitment 2023 for Chief Vigilance Officer: Apply Fast, Know How to Apply

MMRCL Recruitment 2023 for Various Manager and Supervisor Posts: Maximum Salary up to Rs 240000, Know the Process to Apply

MMRCL Recruitment 2023: The Mumbai Metro Rail Corporation Limited, known as MMRCL in short, plans to hire skilled and experienced professionals on a regular, contract or deputation basis for various Manager and Supervisor (Security) posts. As per the official advertisement for MMRCL Recruitment 2023, there are vacancies available for Supervisor (Security), Assistant General Manager (Track), Assistant General Manager (Security), and Sr. Deputy General Manager (Security) posts. MMRCL has notified a total of 04 vacant seats for the job roles mentioned above, one for each post. The Sr. Deputy General Manager (Security) post is available on a deputation or regular basis while all the other posts are available on a deputation or contract basis.

Based on the official advertisement details available for the MMRCL Recruitment 2023, the contract duration for all the posts available on a deputation/contract basis is 05 years except for the Assistant General Manager (Track) post (contract tenure is 03 years only). The maximum age bar for different posts varies from 35 years to 50 years. Only experienced applicants are allowed to apply for the released vacancies. The hired applicants can get a monthly remuneration of up to Rs 2,40,000. The above-mentioned job posts are available in the E4, E6, and W7 grades of the organization.

The official notification for MMRCL Recruitment 2023 states that MMRC Limited will hire suitable applicants based on a personal interview. Based on their qualifications and experience in the sector, the applicants will be chosen for the interview. Applicants will have to bring the relevant documents (in original) on the interview day. Aspirants who are qualified for the available posts must submit their applications through the official website of the MMRCL (in online mode). The online application portal for this recruitment drive is active since 10 AM on 23rd June 2023. Aspirants who are interested must submit their application form latest by 21st July 2023.

Table of Content
  1. Post and Vacancy Details for MMRCL Recruitment 2023
  2. Age Bar for MMRCL Recruitment 2023
  3. Educational Degrees Required for MMRCL Recruitment 2023
  4. Work Experience Required for MMRCL Recruitment 2023
  5. Employment Period for MMRCL Recruitment 2023
  6. Monthly Remuneration for MMRCL Recruitment 2023
  7. Bond Condition for MMRCL Recruitment 2023
  8. Selection Mode for MMRCL Recruitment 2023
  9. Process to Apply for MMRCL Recruitment 2023

Post and Vacancy Details for MMRCL Recruitment 2023

As mentioned in the official advertisement for MMRCL Recruitment 2023, the Mumbai Metro Rail Corporation Limited, known as MMRCL in short, plans to hire skilled and experienced professionals on a regular, contract or deputation basis for various Manager and Supervisor (Security) posts. There are vacancies available for Supervisor (Security), Assistant General Manager (Track), Assistant General Manager (Security), and Sr. Deputy General Manager (Security) posts. MMRCL has notified a total of 04 vacant seats for the job roles mentioned above, one for each post. The vacancies per category and post are tabulated below:

MMRCL Recruitment 2023-Vacancy Details

Age Bar for MMRCL Recruitment 2023

According to the official advertisement for MMRCL Recruitment 2023, applicants must fulfill the upper age bar criteria required for various posts. The age bar requirement is given below:

Supervisor (Security): The upper age bar to apply for this job role is 35 years as of 1st June 2023

Assistant General Manager (Track) and Assistant General Manager (Security): The upper age bar to apply for these job roles is 40 years as of 1st June 2023

Sr. Deputy General Manager (Security): The upper age bar to apply for this job role is 50 years as of 1st June 2023

Educational Degrees Required for MMRCL Recruitment 2023

As per the official advertisement for MMRCL Recruitment 2023, aspirants must have acquired the below-mentioned educational degrees/certificates to apply for different posts:

Supervisor (Security) and Sr. Deputy General Manager (Security): Applicants should have earned a bachelor's degree in full-time mode from an academic institution recognized by the government.

Assistant General Manager (Track): Applicants should have earned a Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering in a full-time mode from an academic institution recognized by the government.

Assistant General Manager (Security): Applicants should have done a Bachelor's Degree in Electronics, Electrical, Electronic & Telecommunication, or Mechanical Engineering in a full-time mode from an academic institution recognized by the government.

Work Experience Required for MMRCL Recruitment 2023

According to MMRCL Recruitment 2023 official advertisement, the applicants must possess certain work experience in the relevant domain to apply for the released job roles. The work-experience requirements for different posts are listed below:

Supervisor (Security): Applicants should have at least 06 years of experience in the Government Sector or 07 years of work experience (post-qualification) in the private sector in the relevant domain.

Assistant General Manager (Track): Applicants should have at least 02 years of experience in the Sr. Scale or 05 years of work experience in the Jr. Scale or 07 years of work experience (post-qualification) in the executive grade at a government/reputed private organization in the relevant domain.

Assistant General Manager (Security): Applicants should have at least 02 years of experience in the Sr. Scale or 05 years of work experience in the Jr. Scale or 07 years of work experience (post-qualification) in the executive grade at a government/reputed private organization in the relevant domain.

Sr. Deputy General Manager (Security): Applicants must have obtained at least 12 years of post-qualification experience in the relevant domain at the relevant position.

Applicants are advised to go through the official notification (attached below) to observe the detailed experience (mandatory and desirable) domains and work-ex profile required for all the available posts.

Employment Period for MMRCL Recruitment 2023

Based on the official advertisement details available for the MMRCL Recruitment 2023, the contract duration for all the posts available on a deputation/contract basis is 05 years except for the Assistant General Manager (Track) post (contract tenure is 03 years only).

Monthly Remuneration for MMRCL Recruitment 2023

As per the available advertisement details for MMRCL Recruitment 2023, the applicants will receive the below-mentioned salaries for different posts:

Supervisor (Security): The applicant hired for this job role will receive a monthly remuneration as per the IDA pay scale of Rs. 40,320-77,540

Assistant General Manager (Track): The applicant hired for this job role will receive a monthly remuneration as per the IDA pay scale of Rs. 70,0000-2,00,000

Assistant General Manager (Security): The applicant hired for this job role will receive a monthly remuneration as per the IDA pay scale of Rs. 70,0000-2,00,000

Sr. Deputy General Manager (Security): The applicant hired for this job role will receive a monthly remuneration as per the IDA pay scale of Rs. 90,0000-2,40,000

Bond Condition for MMRCL Recruitment 2023

As per MMRCL Recruitment 2023 official advertisement, applicants who will be hired for the above-mentioned job posts will have to sign a service/security bond in order to serve the organization for a minimum stipulated time period (at least for 03 years). The bond amount for various posts is given below:

MMRCL Recruitment 2023-Service Bond Condition

Selection Mode for MMRCL Recruitment 2023

The official notification for MMRCL Recruitment 2023 states that MMRC Limited will hire suitable applicants based on a personal interview. Based on their qualifications and experience in the sector, the applicants will be chosen for the interview. Applicants will have to bring the relevant documents (in original) on the interview day.

Process to Apply for MMRCL Recruitment 2023

According to the official advertisement for MMRCL Recruitment 2023, aspirants who are qualified for the available posts must submit their applications through the official website of the MMRCL (in online mode). The online application portal for this recruitment drive is active since 10 AM on 23rd June 2023. Aspirants who are interested must submit their application form latest by 21st July 2023.