KMRL Recruitment 2023 for Additional Chief Engineer: Salary up to Rs 146000 per month, Know How to Apply
KMRL Recruitment 2023: Kochi Metro Rail Limited, famously known in its abbreviated form as KMRL, is looking forward to employing a dynamic and highly qualified applicant on a re-employment basis for Addl. Chief Engineer (Rolling Stock & Electrical) post. In accordance with the available advertisement notification for KMRL Recruitment 2023, there is only 01 vacancy for the above-mentioned post. Only experienced Indian applicants with at least 17 years of post-qualification experience are permitted to appear for the released post.
The official advertisement notice for KMRL Recruitment 2023 states that the applicant’s minimum age must be 56 years while the maximum age cut-off is 62 years as of 1st June 2023. The applicant chosen for this post will receive a consolidated monthly salary of Rs 1,46,000. Applicants will be selected on the basis of a personal interview which will take after the shortlisting process (on the basis of application documents submitted).
According to the specifications of KMRL Recruitment 2023, applicants who are excited to work at the prestigious KMRL in the above-mentioned job post must apply offline. The application form for this job post is available in the official notification (attached below). Applicants must fill out the application form and submit it to the concerned authority (mentioned in the official notification) via post or courier. The complete application must reach the designated authority on or before 5 pm on 24th June 2023.
According to the official KMRL Recruitment 2023 announcement, the title of the position and the number of openings are listed below:
Addl. Chief Engineer (Rolling Stock & Electrical): KMRL has issued only 01 vacancy for this job post.
The hiring for this job post is being done on a re-employment basis.
In accordance with KMRL Recruitment 2023 official advertisement notice, the minimum age limit to apply for the post mentioned above is 56 years while the maximum age cut-off for the same is 62 years as of 1st June 2023.
Based on the available details for KMRL Recruitment 2023 via its official notification, applicants willing to apply for this role at KMRL must be in possession of the following qualification degrees:
Aspirants willing to apply must have obtained a B.Sc.(Engg) or BE/BTech in Electrical Engineering from a recognized academic institution. Even the retired and conferred IRSEE Officers of Indan Railways must possess the above-mentioned degree
As per the specifications available from KMRL Recruitment 2023 official advertisement notice, applicants must have experience in the relevant domain. Applicants must have gained at least 17 years of post-qualification experience, of which 12 years of work must have been rendered in the Managerial or Executive cadre of Metro Rail Corporations or Railway ( experience in subsidiary/Rail PSUs/Sister concerns of Railway is also valid). The pay scale eligibility in the relevant department is given below:
As mandated by the official advertisement notice for KMRL Recruitment 2023, applicants will be initially employed for a duration of two years. The job contract duration is further extendable for successive periods/terms or until reaching the age of 65, or a maximum of 5 years from the first appointment, whichever comes first
Based on the details available through the official notification for KMRL Recruitment 2023, the applicant chosen for this post will receive a consolidated monthly salary of Rs 1,46,000.
As given in the available official advertisement for KMRL Recruitment 2023, KMRL will pick suitable applicants on the basis of a personal interview which will take after the shortlisting process (on the basis of application documents submitted).
According to the official KMRL Recruitment 2023 announcement, qualified applicants who are interested in applying for this job post must do the same by filling out the offline application form (available in the official notification). Applicants must submit the application form along with documents needed for eligibility and experience proof to the below-mentioned authority by speed post or courier service:
The envelope containing the documents and application form must write the name of the post for which the candidate applied in the format: Application for the Post of Addl. Chief Engineer (Rolling Stock & Electrical).
The complete application must reach the designated authority on or before 5 pm on 24th June 2023.