HLL Lifecare Recruitment 2023 for Graduate and Trade Apprenticeship Trainees: Apply Fast, Know How to Apply

  • Designation: Trade Apprentice Trainee (Fitter/Electrician) and Graduate Technical Apprenticeship Trainee
  • Salary: 8050-9000 - Month
  • Last Date: Thursday July 6, 2023
HLL Lifecare Recruitment 2023 for Graduate and Trade Apprenticeship Trainees

HLL Lifecare Recruitment 2023 for Graduate and Trade Apprenticeship Trainees: Apply Fast, Know How to Apply

HLL Lifecare Recruitment 2023: HLL Lifecare Limited, a Miniratna Company under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare of the Government of India, is looking forward to hiring Graduate and Trade Apprenticeship Trainees under the Apprenticeship Act of 1961. As per the specifications of the HLL Lifecare Recruitment 2023 official notification, HLL Lifecare is hiring for Trade Apprentice Trainee (Fitter/Electrician) and Graduate Technical Apprenticeship Trainee posts. HLL Lifecare has released 10 vacant seats for the above-mentioned posts, 02 seats for Graduate Technical Apprenticeship Trainee, and 08 vacancies for Trade Apprentice Trainee (Fitter/Electrician).

As mentioned in the official advertisement for HLL Lifecare Recruitment 2023, the chosen aspirants will be given training for 01 years. The minimum age requirement to apply for the available posts is 18 years while the maximum age bar is 33 years for applicants of the Open category and 38 years for applicants of the Reserved category. The hired applicants for the post of Trade Apprentice Trainee (Fitter/Electrician) will be paid Rs 8050 as a monthly stipend and the aspirants hired for the post of Graduate Technical Apprenticeship Trainee will receive Rs 9000 as a monthly stipend.

The official notification for HLL Lifecare Recruitment 2023 states that only those aspirants who graduated after 2019 are eligible to apply for the aforementioned positions. Willing and qualified applicants may submit their resumes in only the format they downloaded from the website, along with copies of their educational credentials and community certifications, and a recent passport-size photograph, to the Executive Director (O) & Unit Chief, HLL Lifecare Limited, Kanagala (591 225), Tahasil-Hukkeri, District-Belagavi, State-Karnataka through a proper channel (speed post/courier). The application must reach the above-mentioned designated authority within 15 days of the date this advertisement was published, i.e. within 15 days of 21st June 2023.

Table of Content
  1. Post Title and Vacancies Details for HLL Lifecare Recruitment 2023
  2. Age Restrictions for HLL Lifecare Recruitment 2023
  3. Eligibility Parameters for HLL Lifecare Recruitment 2023
  4. Training Duration for HLL Lifecare Recruitment 2023
  5. Place of Posting for HLL Lifecare Recruitment 2023
  6. Stipend Receivable under HLL Lifecare Recruitment 2023
  7. Process to Apply for HLL Lifecare Recruitment 2023

Post Title and Vacancies Details for HLL Lifecare Recruitment 2023

The official notification for HLL Lifecare Recruitment 2023 states that HLL Lifecare Limited is looking forward to hiring Graduate and Trade Apprenticeship Trainees under the Apprenticeship Act of 1961. The vacancies are available for Trade Apprentice Trainee (Fitter/Electrician) and Graduate Technical Apprenticeship Trainee posts. The vacancies per post and trade/discipline are tabulated below:

S.No. Post Title Trade/Discipline Vacancies
1 Graduate Technical
Apprenticeship Trainee
Electrical 1
Mechanical 1
2 Trade Apprentice Trainee
Electrician 4
Fitter 4
Total 10

Age Restrictions for HLL Lifecare Recruitment 2023

As mentioned in the official advertisement for HLL Lifecare Recruitment 2023, the minimum age requirement to apply for the available posts is 18 years while the maximum age bar is 33 years for applicants of the Open category and 38 years for applicants of the Reserved category.

Eligibility Parameters for HLL Lifecare Recruitment 2023

According to HLL Lifecare Recruitment 2023 official advertisement, applicants applying for the available posts must satisfy the following eligibility parameters:

Trade Apprentice Trainee (Fitter/Electrician): The applicants must have gained an ITI (Fitter & Electrician ) certification from a government-recognized academic institution.

Graduate Technical Apprenticeship Trainee: The applicants must have obtained a B.Tech or B.E. in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering from a government-recognized academic institution.

Only those aspirants who graduated after 2019 are eligible to apply for the aforementioned positions.

Training Duration for HLL Lifecare Recruitment 2023

As per the available specifications for HLL Lifecare Recruitment 2023 through its official notification, the chosen aspirants will be given training for 01 year.

Place of Posting for HLL Lifecare Recruitment 2023

As per the official advertisement notice for HLL Lifecare Recruitment 2023, the initial posting for chosen applicants will be in HLL LIFECARE- KANAGALA (591 225), BELAGAVI, KARNATAKA. However, they will be moved from one location to another, whether they already exist or not.

Stipend Receivable under HLL Lifecare Recruitment 2023

As mentioned in HLL Lifecare Recruitment 2023 official advertisement, the hired applicants will receive a monthly stipend as follows:

Trade Apprentice Trainee (Fitter/Electrician): The applicants hired for this post will receive Rs 8050 as a monthly stipend.

Graduate Technical Apprenticeship Trainee: The applicants hired for this post will receive Rs 9000 as a monthly stipend.

Process to Apply for HLL Lifecare Recruitment 2023

In accordance with the official advertisement for HLL Lifecare Recruitment 2023, willing and qualified applicants may submit their resumes in only the format they downloaded from the website, along with copies of their educational credentials and community certifications, and a recent passport-size photograph, to the Executive Director (O) & Unit Chief, HLL Lifecare Limited, Kanagala (591 225), Tahasil-Hukkeri, District-Belagavi, State-Karnataka through a proper channel (speed post/courier). The application must reach the above-mentioned designated authority within 15 days of the date this advertisement was published, i.e. within 15 days of 21st June 2023.