CSL Recruitment 2023 Notification Released for Apprenticeship Training: Apply Fast, Know the Process to Apply

  • Designation: Apprenticeship Training
  • Salary: 6000-7000 - Month
  • Last Date: Friday July 14, 2023
CSL Recruitment 2023 Notification Released for Apprenticeship Training: Apply Fast, Know the Process to Apply

CSL Recruitment 2023 Notification Released for Apprenticeship Training: Apply Fast, Know the Process to Apply

CSL Recruitment 2023: The Cochin Shipyard Limited, also known by the abbreviated name of CSL, is accepting applications (in online mode) for Apprenticeship Training in the Rigger Trainee Discipline. As mentioned in the official advertisement for CSL Recruitment 2023, only Indian Citizens are eligible to appear for the apprenticeship process. The applicants willing to apply must have passed their 8th (VIII) standard. The minimum age required to apply for the available apprenticeship training is 18 years while the upper age bar is 20 years as of the deadline for online applications (i.e. 14th July 2023). The hired applicant will be imparted training for a 2-year duration. CSL has notified a total of 30 vacant seats for the above-mentioned job post.

According to CSL Recruitment 2023 official advertisement, the hired applicant will receive Rs 6000 per month during the first year and Rs 7000 per month during the second year as a stipend. CSL will choose the best applicants based on a two-phase process: Phase I (an online test of objective type) and Phase II (a physical test). Applicants who possess the desired eligibility and are eager to apply must visit the official website of the CSL to apply online. The online registration and application submission process commenced on 29th June 2023. The deadline for submitting the duly completed application is 14th July 2023. Applications received through any other mode will be liable to be rejected.

Table of Content
  1. Post Details and Available Vacancies for CSL Recruitment 2023
  2. Age Restrictions for CSL Recruitment 2023
  3. Educational Requirement for CSL Recruitment 2023
  4. Additional Eligibility Requirement for CSL Recruitment 2023
  5. Application Cost for CSL Recruitment 2023
  6. Training Duration for CSL Recruitment 2023
  7. Monthly Stipend for CSL Recruitment 2023
  8. Selection Methodology for CSL Recruitment 2023
  9. Application Procedure for CSL Recruitment 2023

Post Details and Available Vacancies for CSL Recruitment 2023

As given in the official advertisement for CSL Recruitment 2023, Cochin Shipyard Limited, also known by the abbreviated name of CSL, is accepting applications (in online mode) for Apprenticeship Training in the Rigger Trainee Discipline. CSL has notified a total of 30 vacant seats for the above-mentioned job post. The vacancies available for various categories of Apprenticeship Training in the above-mentioned discipline are given below:

UR/General: 12 vacancies

EWS: 01 vacancy

SC: 09 vacancies

OBC: 05 vacancies

Age Restrictions for CSL Recruitment 2023

As per the available specifications for CSL Recruitment 2023 official advertisement, the minimum age required to apply for the available apprenticeship training is 18 years while the upper age bar is 20 years as of the deadline for online applications (i.e. 14th July 2023), meaning that the applicant's date of birth must fall between 15 July 2003 and 15 July 2005. Applicants hailing from the reserved communities will be awarded age relaxations as per the rules and regulations of the Government of India (GoI).

Educational Requirement for CSL Recruitment 2023

As mandated by the official advertisement for CSL Recruitment 2023, applicants willing to apply for the available job vacancies mentioned above must have passed their 8th (VIII) standard.

Additional Eligibility Requirement for CSL Recruitment 2023

The official notification for CSL Recruitment 2023 states that applicants eager to apply must fulfill the following eligibility requirement:

  • Applicants must be an Indian National
  • Applicants possessing diplomas, graduate degrees, or any other equivalent qualifications are not allowed to apply

Application Cost for CSL Recruitment 2023

As per the available official advertisement for CSL Recruitment 2023, applicants who want to submit their candidature must pay an application fee of Rs 600. Applicants from ST and SC communities are exempted from bearing the application cost.

Training Duration for CSL Recruitment 2023

In accordance with the official advertisement of CSL Recruitment 2023, the hired applicant will be imparted training for a 2-year duration. However, based on organizational objectives, job openings, and individual performance, CSL may decide to consider hiring successful applicants on a contract basis.

Monthly Stipend for CSL Recruitment 2023

According to CSL Recruitment 2023 official advertisement, the hired applicant will receive Rs 6000 per month during the first year and Rs 7000 per month during the second year as a stipend.

Selection Methodology for CSL Recruitment 2023

Based on the details available for CSL Recruitment 2023 through its official notification, CSL will choose the best applicants based on a two-phase process: Phase I (an online test of objective type) and Phase II (a physical test).

CSL Recruitment 2023-Selection Criteria

Application Procedure for CSL Recruitment 2023

As per the official advertisement for CSL Recruitment 2023, applicants who possess the desired eligibility and are eager to apply must visit the official website of the CSL to apply online. The online registration and application submission process commenced on 29th June 2023. The deadline for submitting the duly completed application is 14th July 2023. Applications received through any other mode will be liable to be rejected.