Chennai Metro Rail Recruitment 2023 For Manager, Opportunity released, Check Posts, Know Qualification, and Apply Now.
Chennai Metro Rail Recruitment 2023: Applications for the roles of General Manager, Project Manager, Junior Project Manager, Deputy Project Manager, Deputy Manager, and Fire Safety Officer/Consultant are being accepted by Chennai Metro Rail Limited (CMRL) from eligible candidates. For the aforementioned position, there are eight open spots. The selected candidate for the Chennai Metro Rail Recruitment 2023 will be paid up to Rs. 225,000 per month. The maximum age restriction varies for each post, as stated in the official Chennai Metro Rail Recruitment 2023 notice, and is listed below in the article.
The position is appointed under a contract with a two-year expiration date that may be extended. Candidates from unreserved and other categories must pay a non-refundable cost of Rs. 300, while candidates from SC/ST must pay a non-refundable fee of Rs. 50. Candidates for the Chennai Metro Rail Recruitment 2023 will be chosen through an interview process that is followed by a medical examination. On or before December 28, 2023, interested and qualified applicants may apply online at the official website, print a copy of the application, and forward it to The CMRL Metros Anna Salai, Nandanam, Chennai-600035’s Additional General Manager.
For the positions of General Manager, Project Manager, Junior Project Manager, Deputy Project Manager, Deputy Manager, and Fire Safety Officer/Consultant, Chennai Metro Rail is seeking competent candidates. There are eight openings for the aforementioned jobs.
To apply for Chennai Metro Rail Recruitment 2023, you must meet the requirements stated below.
Joint Project Manager (Structures):
Project Manager:
General Manager (Maintenance):
Fire Safety Officer / Consultant (Fire Safety):
Deputy Manager (Transport Planning):
Visit the official announcement to view the requirements for each position.
The following is the age restriction for Chennai Metro Rail Recruitment 2023:
The following pay will be given to the chosen applicants for the Chennai Metro Rail Recruitment 2023:
The chosen applicant for the Chennai Metro Rail Recruitment 2023 would be hired for a two-year term that might be extended.
Candidates must pay an application fee in order to complete the Chennai Metro Rail Recruitment 2023 application process. Candidates who are not reserved or who fall into another category: Rs. 300
SBI Account: 00000030990166827
Type of Account: Current Account
IFSC- SBIN0009675
According to the official Chennai Metro Rail Recruitment 2023 announcement, candidates are chosen through an interview process that is followed by a medical examination. The candidate will be evaluated during the selection process based on a variety of factors, including knowledge, skills, comprehension, aptitude, attitude, and physical fitness.
If interested in applying for the Chennai Metro Rail Recruitment 2023, candidates may do so online by visiting the official website. After printing an application, they can mail it to the Additional General Manager, CMRL, Metros Anna Salai, Nandanam, Chennai-600 035.
The application form must be submitted by 28-12-2023.